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Infrastructure Recruiting Expertise

Motion teams dedicated to Infrastructure recruiting deeply understand this tech sector and — more importantly — deeply penetrate their local marketplace to create rich and relevant networks with a focus on the following disciplines:

Infrastructure categories

DevOps / SRE

CI/CD, Orchestration, Containerization, Configuration Management, Build & Release

Network Engineering

Cisco, Juniper, VPN


AWS, GCP, Azure

Systems Administration

Linux, Windows, Virtualization

Help Desk | Support

Jira, Windows, MacOS

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National Market Insights for Infrastructure Recruiting

Recruitment trends are the backbone of how we work. Our teams research and share local marketplace intel as part of our everyday routine and data-driven approach to produce results.

DevOps Engineer


Open Jobs per Candidate

Cloud Engineer


Annual Change in Market Demand

DevSecOps Engineer


Average Salary

Network Engineer


Top Employing Geography


DevOps, while in very high demand right now, is still in the process of defining itself. Most companies are at various points of maturity and can sometimes be challenged to find people who are experienced with the exact stage and scope of their specific DevOps environment. Much like a Scrum implementation, DevOps also requires time, patience, and the right mentality. The key is to identify candidates who understand this and truly understand the phase a company is in.


11 years at Motion

Recruitment Expert in DevOps


Infrastructure strategy will always vary (own, host, or a hybrid). But one trend is clear — the desire to automate via code (infrastructure as code). With the vast amount of new tools in infrastructure automation, the ideal candidate should be both fluent and fluid. Companies definitely want expertise with specific automation tools, but they also want to see exposure to other platforms too. Above all, companies should focus on a candidate’s transferable skills and a person who can demonstrate the ability to learn and pivot into any new tools architecture.


8 years at Motion

Recruitment Expert in Infrastructure

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