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Highest Paying IT Jobs In Atlanta, GA

Highest Paying IT Jobs In Atlanta, GA

Highest Paying IT Jobs In Atlanta, GA

Atlanta continues to make noise as an up-and-coming tech hub, collecting nicknames such as the "Silicon Valley of the South." Atlanta is home to many high-tech, rapid-growth companies, leading to some of the highest paying IT salaries the region has seen.

From the top tech talent to mid market labor costs, it is no surprise Atlanta continues to rank in the top 10 for tech hubs across the country. With growth, comes demand in jobs and candidate pool competition. Motion Recruitment created the 2021 Tech Salary guide to highlight the top in-demand and highest paying jobs in Atlanta. 

Take a glimpse at the insights featured in our Atlanta IT Salaries report—download the full guide or continue reading for an overview of the highest paid tech jobs in the most demanding tech sectors.


Software Developer Salaries

Software Development trends are continuing to evolve, projecting to grow 22% in the next 10 years. With expansion comes a higher demand for associated roles. Those roles include:

Golang Developer Salaries

Salary Range: $123,278- $171,143

Fullstack Software Developer Salaries

Salary Range: $110,912- $158,673

.NET Engineer Salaries

Salary Range: $92,423-$132,731

Quality Assurance (QA) Salaries

Software testing technology is continuing to see changes. As the number of usage grows within organizations, the software testing is now receiving more attention than ever before. Below are some of the highest paying salaries in the QA sector:

SDET Salaries

Salary Range: $98,354-$154,275

QA Automation Engineer Salaries

Salary Range: $100,807-$133,661

Build & Release Engineer Salaries

Salary Range: $87,638- $153,5535 Tech Jobs in Highest Demand for 2021

Infrastructure & Security Salaries

In the year 2020, disruption was very familiar to the majority of businesses and their leaders. As the IT sector takes on 2021, embracing cybersecurity & infrastructure trends creates a large advantage to other companies. Check out the highest paying salaries trending now:

Cloud Security Architect Salaries

Salary Range: $125,608-$147,999

DevSecOps Engineer Salaries

Salary Range: $99,709- $154,386

Security Architect Salaries

Salary Range: $132,446-$183,715

Looking for a new tech role with a great company in Atlanta? Contact a local job market expert today >>>

Data Science Salaries

Data Scientist – The hot job of the 21st century. Data Scientists and related roles have become some of the most sought after jobs. Check out our highest paying salaries in Atlanta:

Data Architect Salaries

Salary Range: $131,021-$160,216

NLP Engineer Salaries

Salary Range: $153,284-$180,334

Machine Learning Engineer Salaries

Salary Range: $147,925-$197,157

Big Data Engineer Salaries

Salary Range: $156,160-$202,086 

Mobile Salaries

The mobile app development industry is continuously evolving. Technology advancements, consumer demands, have a direct impact on mobile app trends. These are the some high paying salaries in Atlanta, catching our eye:

Android Developer Salaries

Salary Range: $114,524-$163,404

React Native Developer Salaries

Salary Range: $116,928-$165,471


Motion Recruitment has witnessed firsthand the resilience and innovation of the Phoenix tech market. Our Tech Salary Guide is here to provide the insights you need to continue growing your career in 2021. Download your free copy here or below

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