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Highest Paying IT Jobs In Phoenix, AZ

Highest Paying IT Jobs In Phoenix, AZ

Highest Paying IT Jobs In Phoenix, AZ

Known as “The Valley of the Sun”, Phoenix has many of the attributes of a promising tech metropolis — enviable weather, a robust economy and a conveniently central location. Typically recognized for elaborate desert gardens and Southwest-infused fine dining, Phoenix also boasts a sprawling tech ecosystem containing high performing tech companies, both new and old.

According to the Phoenix Business Journal, nearly 13% new tech roles have been added across the state of Arizona since the start of 2019. Phoenix ranks fifteenth among major U.S. tech capitals in net tech employment, with a strong presence in the cybersecurity software development sector in particular. Motion Recruitment's IT Salaries for 2021 highlight both National and Phoenix-specific tech market trends, insights and salary data.

Take a glimpse at the insights featured in our Phoenix IT Salaries report—download the full Guide or continue reading for an overview of the highest paid tech jobs in the most demanding tech sectors.


Software Developer Salaries

Within the Software Development discipline, Full Stack Developers saw a 25% salary increase year over year in the Phoenix tech market. Software Development trends are continuing to evolve, creating a higher demand for associated roles. Those roles include:

Full Stack Software Developer Salaries

Salary Range: $105,848- $132,632

Robotics Engineer Salaries

Salary Range: $148,776- $162,301

Solutions Architect Salaries

Salary Range: $130,421-$180,132

Security Salaries

As the workforce continues to shift remote, 80% of employees report receiving phishing emails, compared to 73% in 2019, and employees are 15% more likely to click on a malicious link. With this data, there is an increase in security roles, including:

Security Architect Salaries

Salary Range: $139,759-$193,859

DevSecOps Engineer Salaries

Salary Range: $135,701-$176,953

Information Security Engineer Salaries

Salary Range: $132,245- $160,798

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Infrastructure Salaries

In 2020, the emerging cloud trend is that enterprises are becoming less worried about sticking with one cloud vendor, and are embracing a multi-cloud or hybrid-cloud offering where they can get the best out of each solution. According to Global Channel Chief at Google, Carolee Gearhart“Gartner is estimating that by 2021, 75 percent of midsize and large organizations will have adopted multi-cloud or a hybrid strategy." Related roles include:

Cloud Architect Salaries

Salary Range: $152,544-$186,171

DevOps Architect Salaries

Salary Range: $153,447-182,301

Infrastructure and Security Architect Salaries

Salary Range: $141,562-$170,579

Looking for a new tech role with a great company in Phoenix? Contact a local job market expert today >>>

Data Salaries

Data Scientist – The hot job of the 21st century. With the amount of data in the world predicted to reach a whopping 175 zettabytes by 2025, it's no surprise that the demand for data professionals has increased. Data Scientists and related roles have become some of the most sought after jobs.

Data Engineer Salaries

Salary Range: $126,234-$184,842

NLP Engineer Salaries

Salary Range: $153,284-$180,334

Machine Learning Engineer Salaries

Salary Range: $138,857-$168,162

Motion Recruitment has witnessed firsthand the resilience and innovation of the Phoenix tech market. Our Tech Salary Guide is here to provide the insights you need to continue growing your career in 2021. Download your free copy here or below. 

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