Top IT Staffing Company in Seattle
Making IT staffing in Seattle simple, Motion works with companies to fill mid-to-senior level tech roles as well as job seekers looking for new challenges and opportunities.
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Current IT Staffing Trends In Seattle
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Open Jobs per Software Developer
Where Companies and Job Seekers Go for Technical Staffing in Seattle
A top three tech talent hub in the United States that is continuing to grow, Motion Recruitment is committed to being Seattle’s Top IT staffing company. Our recruiters each specialize in specific skillsets inside the tech world, giving them an in-depth knowledge of the field not found anywhere else in the industry.
For over 30 years, Motion has been a part of the IT staffing world, matching mid to senior level tech candidates with some of the top companies in North America. Beyond full-time positions, Motion excels in the contracting world as well, with a competitive benefits package and portfolio of name-brand companies making contracting an exciting opportunity for our extensive list of quality tech candidates.

Seattle was voted #1 among U.S. cities for the most hires in 2020,* and it’s no surprise why. Home to some of the largest tech powerhouses globally, Seattle has also seen a huge increase in VC-funded startups with a focus on the greater good. Ranging from education, healthcare, energy efficiency and advanced tech solutions to help people safely live their daily lives, the startup community continues to boom - along with the demand for technical hires. Fortunately, CBRE ranks the Emerald City in the top three cities for the highest quality of tech talent as well, making Seattle one of the most competitive IT Staffing markets in the U.S.
Rachel Klenicki
15 years at Motion
Managing Director - Seattle
Rachel [and Motion Recruitment] is such a breeze to work with for IT Staffing in Seattle! She’s on top of the candidates she submits, follows up quickly, and is eager to refine her search throughout the recruiting process. Rachel and the Motion Recruitment team have made it significantly easier to find candidates for hard to fill tech roles.
Rachel with Motion Recruitment was a vital contact and resource in helping me get a job after a period of voluntary unemployment. At all times, Rachel communicated where we were in the hiring process and how she predicted things would proceed. Working with Motion Recruitment was one of the easiest experiences finding a job I have ever had. I strongly recommend the Motion team if you’re looking for a job or if you’re looking to fill an open position.
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