2024 Remote IT Salary Data & Trends

Motion's 2024 Remote Tech Salary Guide gives those in the IT industry, from job seekers to hiring managers, the insights and data for the work-from-home population to make the best decisions for their IT career.

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IT Salary and Tech Market Insights for 2024

2024 content highlights

Inside the United States tech industry, workers and hiring managers alike have seen an uptick in growth in 2023. While compensation has remained flat, tech unemployment numbers remain low compared to the national average. Additionally, the amount of hybrid and fully remote tech roles have dropped in recent years but are still far more available compared to the rest of the North American workforce. 

For those looking to make the next move in their tech career, Motion's 2024 Remote Tech Salary Guide pours through the data to give those inside the tech community insights into the most important topics inside the IT industry, including:

  • The Layoffs and Reabsorption of Tech Workers in 2023
  • The IT Hiring Trends and Tech Skills Most in Demand
  • How the Tech Industry is Handling Remote and Hybrid Work
  • Advice from Experts on How to Succeed in 2024

In addition to market insider information that over 30 years of experience inside the tech recruiting world brings, our 2024 Remote Tech Salary Guide includes salary data for over 100 IT job titles. The goal of this guide is to provide you with the data and insights you need to make the right decisions in the tech job market and have the proper expectations when hiring top IT talent.



Tech Market Experts

"What tech hiring or job-seeking trends do you expect to see in 2024?"


“Tech workers in 2024 need to have an honest assessment of the skills they bring to the job market. Truly “A-level” talent still have the opportunity to essentially name their price and work environment, but for everyone else, candidates can’t set unrealistic expectations or risk missing out on otherwise quality opportunities.”

Phill Perkins

Vice President


“While neither the employed nor their employers have the upper hand in the 2023 job market, 2024 will see job seekers and hiring managers coming to a compromise on what is most important in an employment agreement. Companies cutting costs & corners with tech talent will lose out, and candidates may need to consider a more hybrid (versus fully remote) work environment.”

Kelsey Prisby

Vice President


“In 2024, we will see tech workers and hiring managers have a better understanding of how AI tools are impacting their workflows and how to successfully implement them. Artificial Intelligence has the chance to greatly improve productivity across tech, but only if workers are trained properly on what these tools can and cannot do.”

John Rosenbaum

Chief Information Officer